Economic benefits for companies
There are many reasons to buy an electric car. The prerequisite is that it is not a hybrid vehicle, but a purely electric vehicle, i.e. only has an electric motor installed. The legislator also sees that it is absolutely illogical to carry 2 technologies. Since electric cars have an average range of between 300 and 500 km and the fast charging network has been around for years across Europe is more than expanded, there is no longer a need for combustion technology in terms of reliability. Below we have listed the financial incentives specifically for entrepreneurs:
- Electric cars are exempt from the NoVa.
- There is no motor-related insurance tax.
- For the private use of electric company cars there is no benefit in kind.
- For entrepreneurs, a input tax deduction of a maximum of 6,667 up to the luxury tangent of 40,000 gross applies if the electric vehicles are purchased as company cars and at least 10% are used for this purpose.
- Zusätzlich besteht die Möglichkeit, anstatt der linearen Abschreibung eine degressive Abschreibung von 30% vorzunehmen.
- In maintenance, electric cars are ca. 30% cheaper. Any maintenance parts such as the clutch and around combustion engines such as the ignition, exhaust system, carburettor, injection system, etc. are no longer required. The electric motor is virtually maintenance-free. Battery guarantees vary between 100,000 and 240,000 km depending on the manufacturer.
- Die Treibstoffkosten aus fossilen Energieträgern wie Benzin und Diesel (die sich über die letzte Zeit verdoppelt haben) und immer eine direkte Abhängigkeit vom Marktpreis darstellen, sind immer teurer als Strom, der im besten Fall sogar direkt am Unternehmensstandort mit eigener Photovoltaik-Anlage erzeugt werden kann. Aktuell kostet die kWh für Unternehmen zwischen 10 und 20 Cent exkl. Mwst., was bei einem durchschnittlichen Verbrauch von 17 kWh auf 100 km bei Elektrofahrzeugen 2,55 Euro ausmachen würde. Bei Elektromopeds beispielsweise mit einem Verbrauch von 4 kWh auf 100 km kostet der Strom lediglich 0,60 Euro.
- The insurance will be up to 10% cheaper because the perceived same electrical performance is far higher in cars with combustion engines.
- Currently, the purchase of electric new vehicles, demonstrators and vehicles with day registration is still funded by the e-mobility offensive of the federal government and in some federal states such as Tyrol.
- Charging infrastructure such as wall boxes or fast chargers are also funded either with 30% or fixed amounts.
- In principle, the tax breaks apply to all emission-free vehicles, including bicycles and e-bikes.
We've got the whole thing
Since we are customer-oriented and independent of brands, we are able to offer the right vehicle for the respective needs, unlike classic vehicle dealers. Our spectrum ranges from the currently very popular electric scooters, mopeds, motor scooters to Tesla and small vans. All emission-free – of course.
6 reasons more to go electric
Of course it is more ecological and cheaper if you go on foot. However, we are not comparing walking and driving; we are comparing electric cars versus diesel or petrol. Does the electric car have its nose in front everywhere?
Everyone who has ever been on the road with an electric car has to admit that it is simply much, much better. Be it acceleration from below or resting on the road. Driving an electric car is funnier .
In Österreich gibt es 2.760 Tankstellen für Diesel und Benzin. Wusstest du, dass das Ladenetz aktuell schon mehr als 10.000 offizielle Ladestationen zählt und du zudem noch viel bequemer zu Hause laden kannst?
Electric cars produce no emissions when in operation. You probably know that battery production is a complex process. Do you also know that the electric motor 90% saves resources compared to a gasoline engine?